Hey look, more Kate Gosselin news. Kate’s seemed to realize that the relevance of her fame can be directly measured by calculating the number of Re-Tweets she can generate, so she’s now trying to get as much publicity through her Twitter as she possibly can. Her latest attempt at relevance was her tweet saying, “Yep, you guessed it. Watching DWTS with Cara and Mady…season 16? That def makes me old! I was on season 10 lol!”
So what’s making you feel old is not having to freeze your face regularly with Botox, not the fact that you have eight children, but rather the fact that Dancing with the Stars was on 6 years ago? This is what we mean by having your priorities screwed up beyond recognition. Dancing with the Stars is the yardstick by which Kate Gosselin measures her age.
Of course, her tweet managed to create news on Twitter, for some reason that I still do not understand. Some fans were nice and tweeted things like, “@Kateplusmy8 Well I always say, some people age like a fine wine; they only get better with age. In your case, I’d say that’s true for sure!” whereas other fans were not so nice and echoed the statements of the Internet at large by replying, “@LCCreativeImage #Kateplusmy8 A fine wine? Hardly! Kate Gosselin turned to vinegar more than a decade ago!”
Fair? Well, Kate did bring it upon herself by calling herself old even though she’s not yet 40 years old. Whether she looks old or not is entirely subjective. Some people think that overdoing yourself with plastic surgery makes you look younger, some don’t. Kate has clearly gone under the knife in more ways than one, so calling herself old may merely be a way of her saying, “Oh, look, I’m just like you, I feel old, too.” Except, she’s NOT just like us in that most people can’t afford to get nose jobs, and lip jobs, and freeze their forehead like marble whenever they feel a wrinkle coming on.