Jon Gosselin Hates Kate Gosselin: Refuses To Pay Child Support or Talk To Her

Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin were on top of the world four years ago, making boatloads of money off their reality show and living the picture perfect ideal marriage – at least, on camera. Today Jon Gosselin is a gun-wielding recluse who waits tables for a living.  No wonder he’s bitter!

However, in those four years, the couple has gotten divorced, Kate has lost the show, and Jon has gone broke. And now, Kate is suing her broke ex-husband, even though he can’t even afford to pay child support for his children.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Jon discussed his relationship and lack of contact with Kate since their divorce, explaining, “I don’t have a relationship with Kate. There is no relationship. Text and email. That’s it.” He explains that it’s the way it’s been for the past four years, and he doesn’t even physically see her when he goes to get his children, preferring to interact with the nanny instead.

He also adds that he doesn’t pay child support, explaining, “[Kate and I] both support [the children] financially because she takes care of school and all that stuff, but I take care of the exact same things she takes care of. I buy their own groceries. They have their own groceries at my house, their own bedrooms, their own stuff. It’s doubled.”

He’s acting as if the children actually spend time at his place. He probably buys them a bunch of sandwiches and calls it a day. And while I don’t blame him for refusing contact with Kate [after all, she is suing him], it’s ridiculous that he tries to front as though he and Kate both support the children an equal amount. As much as I dislike Kate, she’s at least trying to support her eight kids, and it’s not inexpensive to do that.

What do you guys think of Jon’s comments? Maybe his job waiting tables at a bar will help him pay the bills, although that’s unlikely too. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Siyana Riley:
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