I still can’t believe Kate Gosselin has actual fans. What exactly has she done, besides giving birth to eight children? Is that something that merits fans?
Anyway, Kate Gosselin already tried to steal attention away from Kate Middleton after the birth of the royal baby, but her fans are taking it even further.
A twitter photo popped up online of a message outside of a shop window in Pennsylvania, which read, “Whatever, England. Our Kate had eight kids!”
Kate retweeted the photo, saying, “OMG!SO SWEET! RT @MiloandJack: @OutoftownSam @Kateplusmy8 Some1 took this in a PAstore window.. pic.twitter.com/MmAOutxT5g LOL That’s OUR Kate!:)”
Are these people delusional? Are they seriously trying to compare some random reality star and her children to the PRINCESS of England and the future HEIR to the monarchy? Seriously?! This is some extra level craziness going on here. And also, I object to the phrase ‘Our Kate had eight kids’. Who exactly is saying ‘our’ here, because I live in the US and I sure as hell am not calling Kate Gosselin ‘our’ Kate. We have much better Kates, and I would even take Kate Hudson above Kate Gosselin. Heck, I would take Kate Bosworth over Kate Gosselin.
I get that these fans are trying to say that ‘their’ Kate had eight children, whereas Kate Middleton only had one. I’m sorry, but giving birth to the royal heir counts for a lot more than giving birth to any number of children.
Do you guys agree? Or do you think Kate Gosselin’s ‘achievement’ in giving birth to eight children should somehow be a bigger deal? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
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