Kate Middleton Biopic: Which Hollywood A-List Actress Is Worthy Enough To Portray The Royal? (POLL)

Kate Middleton is one of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood right now, primarily because the world simply cannot get enough of the Royal Realms. It seems like only a matter of time before Hollywood gets in talks to make a movie about the royal’s life and, with talks of a biopic, we’re left wondering who on earth could possibly possess the acting chops, skill, and look required to pull off the enamoring Kate Middleton.

Currently, no movie is in the works (as far as we know), but with Royal Baby Fever still a major pandemic, it’s one of the things that must be discussed. Do you think Hollywood will wait until Prince George Alexander Louis is all grown up?

iHeartRadio recently conducted a survey and, surprisingly, Anne Hathaway came in with people’s top picks to play Kate. Honestly, I think this choice is a bit odd, but the world can’t get enough Hathaway. Simple truth. Jennifer Lawrence made the list, too. Because everyone wants to see her in ALL THE MOVIES. While we love us some J-Law, unfortunately we don’t think she’s the ideal choice either. But what do we know? Perhaps the young Katniss Everdeen should stick to her bows and arrows and leave the reserved ways and frilly dresses of Kate M to another leading lady.

The results panned out as follows:

1. Anne Hathaway 25.0%

2. Kate Beckinsale 24.0%

3. Natalie Portman 20.6%

4. Jennifer Lawrence 17.1%

5. Zooey Deschanel 10.2%

6. Cobie Smulders 3.2%

But now we want to hear what you all think, lovely readers. Out of the choices above, who do you think has the Acting Powers to inhabit the role of Kate Middleton? Survey takers, unite!

Image credit to FameFlynet

Nicholas Sanford:
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