Kate Middleton Fights Back Against Lazy Allegations, Is It Too Obvious?

I wonder if every time Prince William suggests going on another vacation Kate Middleton slumps her shoulders and thinks, “Bullocks. I’ll have to actually work after then won’t I?” Because that tends to be the cycle. At first, she hangs around in London and shops without doing much else. Then she takes a vacation (usually a photo scandal emerges) and after she throws a couple engagements out there to convince the world she’s actually taking her princess job seriously. And then she starts all over again with the hiding out and the shopping. We fall for it every time which is probably why her PR people are using the good ‘ole tried and true once again.

Just as the pregnant bikini photos are dying down the palace is announcing that the Duchess of Cambridge is adding to her heavy scheduled of charities. Kate Middleton currently has… four and will “add a small number to that list.” Careful Kate, don’t hurt yourself.

But this goes along with the current story that Kate is throwing herself back into work (after her vacation, of course). She’ll be debuting her (fully clothed) baby bump next week at her appearance for Action of Addiction and, apparently, has a few other dates set up in the coming months.

I know what you’re thinking. Why are you bitching! You complain when she doesn’t work and now you’re complaining when she does! Valid. Very valid of you to point that out. I love the fact that my Kate is trying to look professional but I can’t shake the feeling that it really is just all try with her. Do you think Kate likes doing her princess duties? It seems so forced to me – the smile, the clothes, the awkward embraces. Maybe she’ll grow into it. Princess Diana wasn’t Saint Diana over night, and maybe I venerate her too much, but there just seemed to be a passion there that Kate lacks. But I want to be wrong. I do. I want Kate to be an example of good. I want her to show a new generation of young people what charity and giving back is all about. That’s her job! Am I asking for too much? Perhaps I’m asking for too much too soon. Fine. I’ll allow that. Let’s let her pop out some babies, focus on her family some more, and then she can prove herself. But let me warn you, I’m only going to get more determined with age. Hopefully, I can say the same thing about Kate one day,

Do you think Kate Middleton’s vacations dictate the timing of her public appearances? Would she be “throwing herself” back into to work if people didn’t think she was so lazy?


Jeanne Adams:
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