GLOBE: Kate Middleton Giving Birth To The Royal Heir Has Camilla Parker-Bowles Drunk and Nasty (Photo)

GLOBE: Kate Middleton's Giving Birth To The Royal Heir Has Camilla Parker-Bowles Drunk and Nasty (Photo)GLOBE: Kate Middleton's Giving Birth To The Royal Heir Has Camilla Parker-Bowles Drunk and Nasty (Photo)

Kate Middleton’s impending labor and delivery of Prince William’s child and Queen Elizabeth’s great grandchild, the third in line for the British Throne, has Camilla Parker-Bowles back on the booze. GLOBE reports in the July 29th print edition: “As Kate Gives Birth, Drunken Camilla Collapses.” Does cruel Camilla need an excuse to get drunk?

As we have reported here at CDL, Camilla has hated Kate ever since William married her.  Of course Camilla would have despised anyone who threatened her by being more popular and favored by both the Queen and Prince Charles.  Let’s not forget that the nasty old adulteress had a fit upon learning that Charles was paying for his daughter-in-law’s outrageously expensive wardrobe.  Not to mention how Camilla looks down upon Kate and the rest of the Middletons for being bourgeois  commoners saddled with a partying Pippa!

All of this reached a head recently, according to GLOBE, and had Camilla sobbing drunkenly “Kate and the baby will be more popular then me.” Camilla must have really been inebriated to have chosen an incorrect pronoun in her plaint.  You’ve got to feel a bit sorry for the old girl.  She devoted the best years of her life to being with Charles, the world’s most boring and ridiculous man, only to be upstaged by perfect Kate.

In this week’s issue, GLOBE asks the question on everyone’s mind: “Who will die first, Regis Philbin or Queen Elizabeth!” Not only is that issue addressed but GLOBE has details of the sad and desperate condition of several of Hollywood’s sickest.  Of course poor Randy Travis heads up that list but Angelina Jolie, Ed Asner, Sidney Poitier and Rosie O’Donnell all make the cover and all face serious, life threatening, medical issues.  Angelina Jolie in particular faces a grave decision – should she have an oophorectomy and if so, how soon.  Her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, died of ovarian cancer and Angelina is her spitting image.  The double mastectomy might not be enough.

So this week be sure to do what I do every week and rush out to buy a copy of GLOBE! I recommend it if you enjoy reading about what really goes on in Hollywood and the Palace.  This issue reports on the medical reality of some of our favorite stars and exposes the truth about Camilla – with lots of other hot stories between the covers.  Once I get this article published I’ll be relaxing while studying my copy of the July 29th issue of GLOBE – this way I can bring you more hot news to read soon!

If you want GLOBE delivered to your door each week, you can subscribe HERE! 

Dr. Jody Overland:
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