Kate Middleton And The Royal Family Hate Scott Disick And The Kardashians

American’s aren’t the only ones that are getting more than a little tired of seeing a random Kardashian plastered everywhere. If it’s not Kim’s ballooning waistline then it’s Kourtney’s paternity question or Khloe and Lamar Odom’s marriage mess. They are on the cover of every tabloid and fresh photos pop up on the internet each day. We can’t escape this family that has truly gotten famous for doing nothing extraordinary.  They’ve tried in vain to rub elbows with the royal family. Kim has gifted Kate Middleton with some of her tacky original designs and was shot down when she suggested having tea together. Scott Disick outraged them by buying a phony royal title and then acting as if it is legit- complete with all of the pomp and circumstance. That seemed to royal watchers to be the final straw.


They think that this family that lives every moment of their personal life with a camera purposely shoved in their face, is absolutely disgusting and they want nothing to do with any of them. According to the April 15th print edition of National Enquirer the royal family finds the whole family tacky and in bad taste but Scott has personally offended them. They would love for him to apologize for making a mockery of the royal traditions that they hold in such high esteem.

Remember when Kim first announced her pregnancy? She thought it was fabulous that she was pregnant at the same time as Kate and had commented on how it was one more thing that the two of them had in common. Kim must now loathe any Kate comparisons as Kim has gained a ton of weight and Kate still just has a little baby bump. They are definitely not cut from the same cloth, that’s for sure!

Are you surprised to hear of the royal families irritation with the Kardashians? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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