Kate Middleton announced her pregnancy last month and for a brief moment everyone seemed to forget about the one thing she was ripped apart for all last year- her weight. Remember all of those rumors that the Duchess was battling an eating disorder? The whole world seemed to think that she wasn’t getting pregnant because she was way too skinny to even conceive a child. Well it seems that there is still concern about her weight.
According to the latest issue of Star Magazine Kate is way too skinny still and her team of doctors are very concerned about her gaining weight. She has supposedly been put on a 3,000 calorie a day diet to help her to begin to pack on the necessary pounds to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthier baby. Queen Elizabeth wants Prince William to have an heir and she is insisting Kate forget her figure and start focusing on the baby. Kate has been under unbelievable stress between the severe morning sickness, Prince William’s nerve wracking job and Camilla Parker-Bowles bullying it’s no wonder Kate is having a hard time gaining more weight.
There’s nothing worse than taking a vacation with your man only to have it turn into a complete and utter disaster. Apparently that’s exactly what happened to Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theorux over the holidays and the new issue has all of the steamy details! Will the couple make it to the alter or will 2013 be the beginning of the end for them?
Also in the latest Star is a whole section on Hollywood’s top 10 home-wreckers, you know the husband stealers that somehow have managed to find happiness after borrowing a guy from someone else! Obviously LeAnn Rimes, Kristen Stewart and Tori Spelling will all make the cut here! Can you guess the other 7 stars that will grace this list? Think hard while you run out to grab yourself a copy of the latest issue!