Kate Middleton’s Baby Due Much Later Than Everyone Thinks, Says Mom Carole Middleton

Kate Middleton's Baby Due Much Later Than Everyone Thinks, Says Mom Carole Middleton 0526Kate Middleton's Baby Due Much Later Than Everyone Thinks, Says Mom Carole Middleton 0526

Over the past month it’s been widely shouted from the rooftops that Kate Middleton’s due date is July 13. Many top sources and media agencies have sworn by it making it a pretty solid case. And that was awesome for a couple reasons: 1) it had the possibility of being born on Camilla Parker-Bowles‘ birthday which would just be funny; and 2) it could share a birthday with Kim Kardashian’s kid which would be even better. But the ironies are just not to be if you are in Carole Middleton’s circles of friends. According to The Telegraph, Carole’s been gabbing to her nearest and dearest that Kate Middleton’s baby will be a Leo instead of a Cancer. For all of you that don’t live and breathe by the astrology calendar, that means the new due date range is between July 24 to Aug 23.

What does this mean? Absolutely nothing I guess other than the fact that if she doesn’t have the baby until late July there will be so many “Kate Overdue and Anxious” stories, perhaps evens a few “Kate Contemplating Emergency C-Section” ones just for fun. Since St. James Palace never officially told anyone the due date it’s still anybody’s guess but I bet Carole has the inside knowledge over anyone.  The July 13 date came after sources said they overheard Kate and Wills talking at a party with friends. Would William really announce something like that at a public function? Not sure. It’s interesting though. I’d much rather leak false information telling people I’m due later than I really am (a la Kim Kardashian). That way the baby watch might not be as intense as it would be if you’re seemingly overdue. I wonder if that’s Carole’s game or if she’s actually being truthful with friends. All I know is Kate’s bump still has a long way to go so I have a feeling it might be a Leo after all – conspiracy or not.


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