Kate Middleton’s Cosmetic Enhancements Revealed!

There’s more tantalizing info leaking from the Kate Middleton/Vogue UK story coming out this month scrutinizing the DoC’s fashion and certain enhancements she’s had done to convince everyone she’s still that middle class girl from Berkshire. A lot of the story is pretty by the numbers. She tends to wear blue more than any other color, loves Alexander McQueen outfits  and Stuart Weitzman shoes, cocks her hats at 50 degree angles to highlight her cheekbones, and favors mid-length sleeves to show people she’s not as skinny as they believe her to be. Can you imagine putting so much effort into your wardrobe choices? I usually choose everything by one rule – does this make me look fat. It tends to work.

Kate apparently worries about that too. Because she’s long-waisted, she doctors all of her dresses to sit a couple centimeters above her natural waist to give the illusion of longer legs. I also read she works out a lot more than her people let on but I think that’s pretty obvious. I can’t remember where I read that so I can’t cite it but I swear it’s from Vogue. If not, I apologize for my sloppy reporting.

In addition, the sources let slip some little enhancements Kate’s had along to way to becoming our perfect princess. Plastic surgery conversations regarding the DoC are nothing new but the flippant way this info dropped was interesting. It’s nothing major but, still, it’s something. A year before the wedding Kate had her teeth done. What is it with Kate Middleton’s teeth that always causes such commotion? She had them whitened and straightened with invisible braces she placed on the back of each tooth allowing her to show 8.6 teeth every time she smiles. And she smiles a lot. I supposed it makes sense. Smiling like a maniacal yokel is still something she hasn’t quite learned to temper. At least it was money well spent. I always heard she had her nose done years ago but unfortunately no one’s spilling on that. That would have been money well spent too since Kate Middleton’s nose is the most requested plastic surgery operation in the UK right now. That’s so weird to me because, although I think Kate is rather pretty, I always thought her nose was her weakest area. Well, what do I know?

So what do you make of the Kate Middleton cosmetic reveal? She’s had her teeth capped! Do you think that’s it for her? Will Kate succumb to botox and fillers as the years go on? I’d place money on it. Those Middleton girls love the sun.

Photo Credit: Barcroft/Fame Pictures

Jeanne Adams:
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