Kate Middleton’s Due Date Today as Prince William Leaves Her to Play Polo!

If you caught a glimpse of any of the morning news programs today then you’ve seen that as Kate Middleton’s due date has arrived, media and royal watchers have now begun lining up outside the hospital where the royal heir will make its grand entrance into this world. At the other end of the spectrum, proud papa-to-be, Prince William is headed off to play polo leaving Kate in the capable hands of her mother, Carole Middleton. He is taking a bit of heat for daring to leave his wife and that’s just crazy!

Let’s be serious folks, the majority of first babies arrive later than their due date and even once labor begins, very few are in a rush to come barreling out. In other words, Kate will likely have a long labor or even need to be induced sometime in the next week or so. Doctors advise you to be smart once your due date arrives, but life goes on and so Kate, being a modern mama already probably insisted her husband go and play that match.

Sure, the royal heir could arrive this weekend or it could be 10 days from now! That’s a long time to be sitting at home simply waiting, don’t you think? If she had any indication that today might be their big day I’m sure William would have canceled out on that Polo match. I’m sure if she should need him he will be at her side in a nano-second anyway!

Will Kate go in to labor this weekend? Royal watchers have all kinds of bets riding on all the vital statistics of the prince or princess-to-be, what’s your guess? If you were Kate would you have allowed William to play his match today? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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