Katie Holmes Admits Valentine’s Day Will Be Hard Without Tom Cruise

Ah… ex-squeeze me? A baking powder?

It’s the presents, right? You think Valentine’s Day will be tough without your ex-husband because you’re going to miss the presents and attention. That has to be the only reason. Say what you want about Tommy Cruise but I’m sure he does lavish some good attention. But don’t tell me there are still some lingering feelings. Please don’t. You don’t pull the ultimate Mission Impossible on a dude when he’s thousands of miles away when you still have the warm and fuzzies. You’re just lonely Katie Holmes. Valentine’s Day is a perfectly acceptable day to feel the pain, just don’t let it convince you to do something stupid – like drunk call him after one too many pink cocktails. Eat your chocolate and watch Bridget Jones.

And that just might be what she has in store. E! News caught up with the former Mrs. Cruise and naturally hounded her about what she would be doing on the most romantic night of the year now that she’s single. More bowling with mystery men perhaps?

In turns out in addition to stuffed animals and lots of chocolate Katie and Suri Cruise have laid back pampering ideas. “We have a lot of good plans—we’re gonna do some cooking classes, gonna go to the spa,” she said. “I know, it’s gonna be a tough weekend.”

Ugh, why did she have to go there in that last part? This is not the heroic, super Katie I’ve come to know. It’s Valentine’s Day for crying out loud! Spa all day long with your daughter and then go get drunk with your girlfriends. Sounds like an amazing day. I think this down in the dumps Katie might have more to do with her career problems and not her single problems. I choose to believe that  a whole lot more. And that’s understandable. She’s had a couple shit weeks. But she’s still the girl that got away and that’s not to be taken lightly. Icing on the cake to her amazing story would be paparazzi shots of her dancing on tables on V-Day. Let’s just hope her friends keep her phone away from her. I don’t totally trust this depressed Katie to not make an inappropriate phone call….

What do you think of Katie Holmes/Suri Cruise’s Valentine’s Day plans? Too boring or just right for the single mom?


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