Katie Holmes divorced Tom Cruise long ago and now it seems that Katie’s got her eyes on another man and that is Jamie Foxx, a former best friend of hers. There’s no official confirmation if there’s some sort of a romance going on between the two, though they didn’t seem to mind dancing together at the Apollo in the Hamptons which is located in East Hampton, New York.
Katie Holmes was dancing to the recent hit by Robin Thicke, Blurred Lines, while she was hooking arms with Jamie Foxx and look happier than she’s ever looked in a long time. As proof of her pleasure, she was overheard to be talking to her friends saying “I haven’t had such a good time in so long.”
There’s no proof of their being a romance between both Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx, like I mentioned before they used to be former best friends. Maybe now they’re becoming more than friends and are starting to hang out together to catch up with each other. It’s another outlook on the entire thing and more people are leaning towards that story than them pairing together as a couple.
Do you think that Katie and Jamie might have a thing for each other, or does it seem like two friends having a great time together?