Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap 6/16/13: Season 8 Episode 3 “Agree To Disagree”

Tonight on E!  KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS continues with another new episode called, “Agree To Disagree” On tonight’s premiere episode called, “Agree To Disagree” Kris and Bruce get the whole family involved in their disagreement over whether or not to have a gun in the house.  Did you watch last week’s season 8 episode 2?  We did and we recapped it here for you.

On last week’s Brody tried to open up to Bruce about their past problem.  It seems Brody was jealous of Dad Bruce’s relationship with his sisters.  Brody thought Bruce was a good father, he just was not a good father to Brody.  Khloe and Kim came up with a plan to help their brother Rob lose weight.  After some nasty tabloid rumors about Kris surface, Kim and Khloe stepped in to defend their mother.

On tonight’s show Kim suffers a health scare while dealing with her divorce. She goes to the doctor and they suspect she might have appendicitis, but the doctor does not want to operate.  Meanwhile, Kris and Bruce get the whole family involved in their disagreement over whether or not to have a gun in the house.

Tonight is going to be another crazy episode that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” tonight at 9PM EST! Meanwhile, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season of KUWTK?  Also check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

RECAP: Bruce wants to get a gun and tells the children. Kim disagrees, she doesn’t like having one in the house. Khloe is at a Chiropractor getting her neck cracked. Kim gets a phone call, her divorce is getting pushed back again.

Bruce meets Kris for lunch, they were swatted and as a result he wants a gun in the house. Kris does not agree, she does not want her children learning how to shoot a gun.

Bruce later takes Brandon, Brody and the girls to play paint ball where he again discusses getting a gun.

Rob goes to see Scott and they start talking about a gun, Scott thinks it is ok but it should be locked up properly.

Kim is getting off a pane and has a lot of pains, she thinks she is going through early labor. Kris gets ready to go meet her at the hospital and when he wants to go with her, she says no, this is a sensitive issue and she can deal with it on her own. Gee, wonder why their marriage is in trouble!

Kim is on the table and she is crying, the doctor hears the baby’s heartbeat and everything is ok. The doctor wants to take a test to see if she has a urinary tract infection. Kim is relieved that the baby is ok, she calls Kanye.

Kim has a fever, she just has to pass some blood tests and doctor gave her something for pain.

Kim is at home in bed, her friend and mom are taking care of her.Kim says the pain is so bad that if labor is worse than this she will slit her throat.

Chris is at a gun place to learn how to shoot a gun while Kim has returned to the doctor. The last 24 hours have been so stressful for Kim, Kris just wants to put that behind them.

Bruce got Kendall to go the gun range with Rob and Scott. Kylie really feels uncomfortable, but she is still happy to be there and learn about them.

Scott starts acting like a jerk, the instructor gets upset because he starts waving the gun around. Scott gets asked to give in his gun and stop for the day.

The test results have come back, Kim has an infection in her stomach, everything else is fine.

Scott tells Kourtney that he wants a gun in the house, but she doesn’t really want one. Khloe calls Kris to see how things are going with Kim.

Bruce tells Kris that Kendall went out to the gun range – Kris is pissed. The two start getting into an argument and Bruce tells Kris to grow up.

Brandon and Brody think differently about having a gun in the house.

Kim is with Khloe and tells her that she had a sharp pain again last night in her stomach. Khloe really feels fer her and wishes this would go away. The doctor has advised Kim to not be stressed.

Bruce tells Kylie that he really wants her to go to a shooting range and learn how to use a gun. Kylie does not want to do it against her mother.

Kris tells Bruce that he cannot manipulate someone into believing what he believes. Bruce disagrees and says the bottom line is that he is going to win on this one. Kendall agrees with Bruce, Kris tells them to go play GI Joe somewhere else.

Kim is outside with her mom, her ex has a filed a motion to slow down the divorce proceedings. Kim so bothered by this whole thing and wants it behind her.

Bruce decides to move ahead anyway with getting his gun, he goes to a gun shop; Rob meets him over there.

At Kim’s house, she is getting her makeup put on to go to her deposition. Kim is really wondering if her ex is going to be there; she hasn’t spoken to him in about a year and a half.

Bruce is home with his gun and shows it to Kendall; they find a good place to hide it.

Kim is so emotionally drained after the deposition, she goes to see her friend Lala to chill. It turns out that her ex never showed up.

Dorothy Gale:
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