Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap 6/30/13: Season 8 Episode 5 “I Will Fix You”

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap 6/30/13: Season 8 Episode 5 “I Will Fix You”Keeping Up With the Kardashians Recap 6/30/13: Season 8 Episode 5 “I Will Fix You”

Tonight on E! KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS continues with another new episode called, “I Will Fix You” On tonight’s show Khloe tries to get to the bottom of Kendall and Kylie’s issues with each other and Scott’s fears threaten his racing career. Did you watch last week’s season 8 episode 4? We did and we recapped it here for you.

On last week’s show some random woman on the Internet had Scott on her bucket list, get this he was the person she most wanted to meet before she dies, huh?  We might finally got to the root cause of Bruce Jenner’s bad hearing over all these years. According to Bruce, who finally visited the ear doctor after many complaints about his hearing, he can’t hear as well in the high pitch as he can in the low pitch.  Khloe welcomed a new puppy to the family, and Kris worried she might have a stalker.

On tonight’s show  in a preview clip we saw, Rob is seen yelling at his family for leaving him stranded. He yelled, “I took a cab home because y’all are dickheads.” When they retaliate by saying that they thought he was making it up and he didn’t actually need help, he says that’s ‘f***ed up’.  Kris worries about Rob’s behavior and takes steps to help him.  Khloe tries to get to the bottom of Kendall and Kylie’s issues with each other and Scott’s fears threaten his racing career.

Tonight is going to be another crazy episode that you won’t want to miss, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” tonight at 9PM EST! Meanwhile, while you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new season of KUWTK?  Also check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

RECAP: Rob walks in and calls Kim “Fat Feet” which she doesn’t like.

Kendall and Kris head over to Russell James’s studio to see some pictures that were taken of her. Meanwhile, Kylie has an interest in acting and decides to pursue that without Kendall.

Russell tells Kris that Kendall can stand beside any one of the top models.

At Khloe and Lamar’s house, she tells Kris, Kim and Kourtney that Rob is bingeing on string cheese. Rob calls Khloe and tells her that his car went missing when he was running, but Khloe doesn’t believe him.

Kendall and Kylie have their own clothing design and are busy going over the new designs.

Kendall gets upset with Kyle because she spent too much time in the makeup chair, Kris thinks it’s natural that they argue because they are teenagers.

Scott has always been passionate about racing cars and he would really like to try it out.

Kim and Kourtney start to talk about Rob and how annoying he is lately. They tell Kris that he really needs to go to a therapist.

Kourtney takes Kylie out for a driving lesson, she claims to be the only brave one to take her out. Kylie tells Kourtney that she needs a break from Kendall. Meanwhile, Kendall is upset that Kylie refused to go to dinner with her, but went out anyway.

Rob calls Kris, he has a problem with a paparazzi and she tells him to stay cool.

Back at Khloe and Lamar’s house, they are eating Cuban good and Khloe wants to know why Kylie is alienating Kendall.

Scott has shown up at racing school and really wishes he knew someone there.

Kylie and Kendall are in an argument again and Khloe is in the middle of it; it’s the dumbest thing, all about sky pants and Kendall doesn’t even need them as she is in California.

Kris is having the whole family over for dinner and she is so happy. Kourtney shares with the family Scott went to racing school and couldn’t cope with their being so many people there, he had social anxiety.

The next morning, Kris tells Kendall that she is so tired of the mess she leaves the night before with Kylie. Kendall says it is not her and she is not helping to clean it up.  Kendall goes into Kylie’s bedroom and tells her to go clean it up. Khloe walks in and breaks up the argument. Kylie tells Khloe to just drop it, she is so over it.

Scott is home, Kourtney asks him what happened. Scott said that he felt because of who he is that people were going to laugh at him in the case when he read his profile, it just didn’t seem right.

Kris thinks Rob is at a bad place emotionally and it is heart breaking. There is a warrant for Rob’s arrest because of an altercation with a paparazzi. Kris calls Rob and wants to know what happened, but nothing yet.

Khloe secretly brings Kylie and Kendall together with Kourtney’s help at a sports center. Kendall gets annoyed that Kylie is there and thinks she is completely ruining her day with her other sisters. Kim is also there and they all try to give the girls some advice. Kim makes an idiot of herself and jumps on a trampoline while pregnant, stupid move if you ask me.

Rob tells Kris that everything went well, he avoided an arrest and Kris starts crying because she was so worried about him.

Kris is really worried about Rob and doesn’t want him to feel that.

Scott and Kourtney have a moment alone, he tells her that the last thing h wants to do is get into a race car and not be the best because everyone is looking at him to see him fail and doesn’t want to do that. Kourtney tells him that he cares way too much about what everyone else thinks. Scott realizes that he has to open up his wings and fly.

Kris confronts Rob and tells him that she thinks he is depressed and cares about what is going on inside him, she wants him to go to therapy but he is not into it.

Dorothy Gale:
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