Kelly Clarkson Blames Blake Shelton’s Cheating on Miranda Lambert For Her Husband Brandon Blackstock’s Affairs

It’s really sad how Kelly Clarkson’s dream-come-true marriage only seemed to last about 6 weeks before the drama crept in, isn’t it? Earlier this month, not one but two women came forward and claimed to have had fairly recent affairs with Brandon Blackstock, Kelly’s new husband. Interestingly enough, Brandon has yet to actually deny the claims. Instead he has kind of laughed them off on Twitter while Kelly came out swinging instead.

According to the Dec. 30th print edition of National Enquirer Kelly is putting on a good front for the public but behind the scenes she is freaking out and placing blame squarely on Blake Shelton! Brandon manages Blake and Kelly believes that his sexually charged behavior is rubbing off on Brandon. Kelly supposedly tore into her husband, demanding that he limit his time with Blake. She also pointed out how Blake’s rumored affairs have all but ruined his marriage and that the strain of these rumors is putting a huge amount of stress on their brief union.

It sounds like Kelly isn’t necessarily buying Brandon’s complete innocence. One of the women that has publicly accused him of hooking up with her is now 5 months pregnant and of course she claims that he’s the father. Do you think that it could be true? Could Brandon have two women pregnant at the same time? Will his marriage to Kelly last? What if it turns out that he did cheat, will Kelly kick Brandon to the curb? Would the fact that she’s pregnant cause her to stay with him, at least for now?Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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