Kendall Jenner: Animal Lover or Sex Crazed Slut? Tweets Dik Dik Desire

Kendall Jenner: Animal Lover or Sex Crazed Slut? Tweets Dik Dik DesireKendall Jenner: Animal Lover or Sex Crazed Slut? Tweets Dik Dik Desire

Oh Kendall Jenner, why don’t you read your tweets before tweeting them? Especially as you have millions of teenage twitter followers and there are also millions more [non-teenage] online viewers who will read your tweets and subsequently make fun of you. Kendall recently tweeted, “I want a little dik dik #googleit.”

Is she trying to educate the public about her fondness for ‘dik’? She has to know that her fan base is not exactly what you would call knowledgeable about rare animals, so tweeting that she wants ‘dik’ is not going to sound cute, it’s going to sound lewd, sexual, and suggestive.

For those of you who don’t know, a dik dik is a small antelope. They’re certainly cute, and I would love one, too. However, Kendall’s suggestion to ‘google’ dik dik isn’t necessarily the crux of the issue here, considering that most of her followers barely know how to work google, and wouldn’t want to waste their precious time googling ‘dik diks’.

The other alternative is that she was trying to cover up her love for ‘dik’ by using those cute antelopes as a front. It’s still an inappropriate tweet no matter the case, because you simply cannot talk about dik diks without seeming crude. It’s a fact that Kendall should be aware of when considered a role model, but really, why do we expect any better? I keep expecting more from the younger members of the Kardashian clan because they’re not yet corrupted beyond the point of no return, but really, they’re as bad, if not worse, than the elder ones. The only hope is that someone manages to get through to them, because tweeting about ‘dik’, whether it’s a sexual desire or just an animal, is not bueno when having kids as young as 10 years old following your tweets. Next thing you know, they’ll be telling their mommy and daddy during dinner time that they too want a little ‘dik dik’, and it cause all sorts of unnecessary headache to that unfortunate child who had the poor foresight to follow you on Twitter.

Image Credit: Instagram

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