Kendall Jenner posted a topless mermaid photo to her Instagram account Thursday to help round out her display of sexualization, a process begun years ago by her mother and pimp, Kris Jenner. Since half-sister Kim Kardashian’s sex tape production, sale and release, the family’s fortunes have soared, riding on the back of coarse displays of sexuality and vulgarity. The Jenner/Kardashians are uniformly low-class, ignorant, greedy and degenerate – the fact that they maintain a multimillion dollar enterprise has to make you wonder about consumers’ taste and judgement.
As of this posting Kendall has been accused of being hooked on drugs, underage drinking and clubbing, and engaging in wanton displays of premature inappropriate sexuality. Yanked out of school at a young age by Kris and put to work selling her body as a model, Kendall naturally accepts that all her worth derives from her ability to stimulate people’s sexual desire. Sad.
Even sadder is that this anti-Feminist family have millions of social media followers, millions of which are young and impressionable. The damage that people like Kendall and Miley Cyrus do to the image of women in society is massive. They encourage young people, especially young women, to think of themselves in a reductionist framework in which self-worth is determined by one’s degree of sexual objectification. What more is there to say? The media and entertainment industry are delighted to capitalize on this atavistic crap and do so aggressively. It’s a great thing to talk about social change, bullying, women’s rights, feminism, etc., but as long as we have the Kardashian/Jenner axis of evil displayed proudly on our TV screens don’t count on any great change for the better.
Photo Credit: Instagram and FameFlynet