Keri Russell and Shane Deary Separated: Keri Attempted to Hide Separation but Forced to Reveal Marital Woes After Robbery

Sad news to anyone who thought there wasn’t an expiration on celebrities marriages. Keri Russell the actress that shot to fame, due mostly to her hair, during her television show “Felicity” has separated from her husband of seven years. The couple is parents of two and they had seemed like one of the rare ones you know. The ones that were going to make it.   She was a child star done good and he was an Average Joe. Sounds all fairytale like when Julie Robert did a variation of this love story with one of her movies.

Blame it on the reality check but people would have continued to think Keri and her husband, Shane Deary, were happy if not for a recent incident. The incident was having her house robbed as she and her family were asleep upstairs. Yeah, the burglars were that bold. But while no one was hurt during the break in, something else must have been revealed. It had to have been seeing as there was a robbery on Wednesday and a statement on Thursday.

Here’s a scenario – most likely Keri spoke to the officers on the scene and explained that her husband was no longer living with her. The police tend to ask about people living in the home as part of their routine so it’s not as if they were nosy. Now knowing the information is out there and all it would take was a loose-lipped cop; the actress rapidly made a statement to the press and whatnot. As you can see she had no choice but to hear she’s been separated for months kind of throws me.

We all like to say celebs have rights then again who are we kidding. If we’re honest then we can admit no one believes that. We want to know whose getting a divorce and married or trying out a trial separation. Look at us now. In the end, everyone always find out. Why bother trying to hide something when you life is in the limelight.

She played it low key for a couple of years and thought she could continue despite going back to a regular paycheck. Well, you can’t. You’ve got a hit show, The Americans, in its sophomore year that you got to sell. That means tons of interviews and a loss of privacy. That is the price of being relevant.

 Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Kristine Francis: