Khloe Kardashian’s Divorce From Lamar Odom Over Jennifer Richardson Cheating Affair – Empowers Khloe To Be a Single Mother

I have to wonder if Khloe Kardashian ever regrets marrying Lamar Odom, even just a little. While she has chosen to continue defending her man and insists that she believes him when he says that he didn’t cheat with Jennifer Richardson, things can’t be good between them. Khloe has tried to make it look like things are fine, even posting photos on Instagram of her with Lamar (that friends say are old) , but supposedly behind the scenes they are at war.

According to the Aug. 12th print edition of In Touch even though Khloe believes that Lamar hasn’t actually crossed any physical lines she is furious with him for putting them in a situation where people can even make accusations. In spite of some knock down drag out fights Khloe still is determined to have a baby.

She has whipped herself into the best shape possible, purged her body of all of those extra hormones and is eating a mostly organic diet. She has prepared her body to be able to carry a baby and Khloe is refusing to allow Lamar’s bad behavior to get in the way of her dream of motherhood. Somewhere in her head she believes that her stress over having a baby helped to chase her husband away. While that may be true it certainly doesn’t allow him to cheat! I think Khloe might be the only person that believes that he is innocent of random hook ups, don’t you?

Khloe is determined to be a mom and if she can’t work through things with Lamar then she is ready to be a single mother. Hey if Kim Kardashian can do it then Khloe certainly can pull it off don’t you think? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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