Khloe Kardashian’s Nose Job – Copies Kim Kardashian With Plastic Surgery Sculpting

Khloe Kardashian's Nose Job - Copies Kim Kardashian With Plastic Surgery SculptingKhloe Kardashian's Nose Job - Copies Kim Kardashian With Plastic Surgery Sculpting

I sometimes feel bad for Khloe Kardashian. It’s got to suck when you’re the least famous member of your entire family, especially when the family in question is the biggest famewhore family in Hollywood. So really, it’s not surprising to hear that Khloe reportedly got a nose job several years ago.

This would be bigger news if it was Kim Kardashian, but then again, we know the A to Z details of Kim Kardashian’s plastic surgery. What we didn’t know, although it was certainly suspected, was Khloe’s dalliances with plastic surgery and rhinoplasty.

CLICK HERE To See What Hollywood Life Has To Say About Khloe’s Nose Job

According to a new report from Life & Style, Khloe Kardashian has ‘definitely’ had a nose job. The report has several plastic surgeons weighing, one of which says, “There is no doubt she had rhinoplasty. Her nose now looks more defined. The tip is much less thick and bulbous.”

Look, it’s really difficult to be able to discern a nose job over pictures, especially pictures over several years where’s there’s a lot of factors that come into play – weight loss, lighting, camera angles, professional versus non-professional photos, etc etc.

When plastic surgeons base their opinions about a possible nose job on a bunch of pictures, without actually meeting the person, it raises flags. But in the case of Khloe Kardashian, it’s entirely believable that she has gotten a nose job. Just look at what she has for a family. If I had to see faces like that every day, I’d probably cave under the pressure and get something done too.

Do you guys think Khloe Kardashian has gotten a nose job? Or do you think that her nose looking more ‘defined’ just has to do with lighting, makeup, and other factors? Let us know in the comments.

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Siyana Riley:
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