Khloe Kardashian Invites Real Father O.J. Simpson To Move In After His Release From Prison – Report

O.J. Simpson is hoping and wishing and praying for a new trial in connection to his 2008 armed robbery conviction. If he somehow manages to secure one then there’s a chance that he would actually be freed on bail. If that were to happen then you better believe O.J. would have a hard time finding somewhere to stay and this is what makes it interesting- according to National Enquirer, Khloe Kardashian has invited the former family friend to stay with her temporarily. Supposedly O.J. was grateful for the offer and told her that he’d be honored to be her house guest.

Thankfully there is someone else in this equation that is sick just thinking about O.J. In his house – Lamar Odom, Khloe’s husband. According to an Enquirer source, “Lamar is livid, but Khloe thinks it would be the perfect opportunity to get answers about O.J.’s past relationship with her mother.

Khloe and Sydney Simpson, O.J.’s other daughter??

If she really thinks that he might be her father, wouldn’t a paternity test do the trick? Why on earth would she prefer to invite a presumed killer into her home to watch for similarities in their behavior? Plus her marriage is already super strained with Lamar, between his hard core partying and her years of baby pressure. Why on earth would she purposely do something else to make it even worse? I could easily see Lamar using O.J.’s presence as his viable excuse to get the hell out of there once and for all. I mean if Lamar has been looking for an out, this would certainly be a situation that would allow him to justify living at his bachelor pad. I’m pretty sure that’s not a situation that Khloe wants to help facilitate!

Do you think Khloe would really invite O.J. into her home when even his own children don’t want him around? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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Cate Meighan:
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