Kim Kardashian And Her Baby Girl First Guests on Kris Jenner’s New Talk Show

Kim Kardashian And Her Baby Girl First Guests on Kris Jenner’s New Talk ShowKim Kardashian And Her Baby Girl First Guests on Kris Jenner’s New Talk Show

By now, everybody in the world [or everyone who uses the Internet] knows that Kim Kardashian is having a baby girl. Although Kim continues to whine about the paparazzi invading her privacy, she has no problem announcing the gender of her unborn child to the world. Not only that, but sources say that Kim is planning to show off her baby girl as the first guest on Kris Jenner’s new talk show.

Now, I’m actually really curious to see what Kris’ talk show will be like. Will she reveal the secret to how she keeps Bruce Jenner sedated? Will she give a class in Famewhore 101? Will she describe how to call the paparazzi without seeming like you’re actually calling the paparazzi? It’s all fascinating stuff, folks, and this is the sort of thing that I might actually tune in for. Unfortunately, I highly doubt Kris will want to reveal trade secrets, so we’ll probably have to settle for Kris interviewing random D-list celebrities  – because let’s be real, what A-list or even B-list celebrity would be caught dead on that show?

Either way, Kris needs to make sure that her show will be a success, even if it’s only by interviewing D-list celebrities. And what better way to ensure success than to use her own daughter for ratings? It’s the same thing that Kris has been doing for years –pimping out her family for fame and fortune, so it will come as second nature to her. By having Kim and her baby on the show, Kris will ensure ratings are high, and it will allow her to continue her reign of plastic terror on the unsuspecting populace.

Will you tune in to watch Kim and her baby daughter on Kris Jenner’s talk show? Or will you stay far, far way? Let us know in the comments.

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Image credit to Fameflynet

Siyana Riley:
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