Kim Kardashian Lost 50 Pounds in 40 Days: How Did She Get Her Body Back? (PHOTO)

Kim Kardashian Lost 50 Pounds in 40 Days: How Did She Get Her Body Back? (PHOTO)

Kim Kardashian‘s past pregnancy seems to have been eclipsed by the birth of Kate Middleton‘s royal baby, George Alexander Louis (that’s his new name by the way), but Kim Kardashian’s back — and she has a new bod gracing the cover of Star Magazine. The cover of the magazine is plastered with the huge headline, “I got my body back! How she lost 50 pounds in 40 days.”

I’m not a weight loss expert, but isn’t losing that much weight in 40 days kind of extreme? Maybe not, but regardless, it seems like quite an endeavor. According to the magazine, Kim underwent “grueling three-hour workouts” and ran on only 1200 calories per day. She also reveals a few surprising tricks for combating cellulite, plus she reveals why she’s struggling to bond with baby North West!

Riding on the news of Cory Monteith’s death, the magazine also has a featurette entitled “Hollywood Heroin,” wherein Monteith is commented on. What do you think about that? Too soon for the magazine to be talking about this? Or do you think it’s good they’re tackling the tough issues young actors and actresses encounter in the realms of glitz and glam?

Make sure to pick up a copy of this magazine and get the inside scoop on Kim Kardashian! Oh, and there’s also some pics of Kate Middleton, under the headline: “Royal Scandal: The photos that shocked the queen!”

Image credit to Star Magazine