The things women will wear for men get more ridiculous as the years go by. Even in her heyday Kim Kardashian wouldn’t have been able to rock Kanye West‘s Christmas gift. After months of supporting him through his crazy and having his daughter, Kim was expecting a really great present this time of year. For the man that gave her a massive engagement ring she could’ve been hoping for some jewelry pieces to go with the ring. Instead what does she get? She received this year a bag. Not any or old bag either. According to the DailyMail it’s “a tan Hermes leather handbag customized with a nude painting by famous contemporary artist, George Condo.“
Such a pretentious item could have only come from Kanye. He’s so caught up with being a fashion visionary that he manged to make Hermes bag look cheap. First off the art was overplayed. Why not commission a piece for their house rather than have Kim walk around with nude paintings stuck to what would have been a great gift. Not to mention the waste of money that it is. Reportedly it costs around $16,000.
The painting is itself a primitive – at least that fits Kim and Kanye – sort of really poor Paul Gauguin ripoff. Not that Kim can come out and say that exactly. No, she has to please Kanye. On Thursday, Kim also posted a photograph of the bag on her Instagram account, captioning it with a series of hashtags, including ‘#HandPaintedGeorgeCondo #HermesBirkin #OneofOne #ChristmasPresentFromYeezy’.
No #lovingit hashtag did I see. All there appears to be written is an explanation of why the bag is important. Then she leaves it up to her viewers to post comments. Very smart Kim! If she never wanted hate she would not have posted the picture to begin with.
Photo Credit: FameFlynet