Kim Kardashian Baby Pics Released Are Bogus – North West Fake Photos

Kim Kardashian Baby Pics Released Are Bogus - North West Fake PhotosKim Kardashian Baby Pics Released Are Bogus - North West Fake Photos

Kim Kardashian Sends Out Fake Baby Pics? I have to give Kim Kardashian a little bit of credit. She may be slightly smarter than I originally would have thought.  Apparently Kim doesn’t just realize that photos of her baby are a hot commodity right now, but she fully expected one of her supposed friends to try and sell them! So kim and probably Kanye West hatched a plan. She sent out a photo to a handfull of people just to see what would happen. Sure enough one of the recipients tried to sell the pic with no luck! According to TMZ there is a second bogus baby photo making the rounds now too and it was also sent to friends by Kim.

It must suck to assume you have a rat and then have it be proven when they fail your test. I have to wonder if Kim knows who tried to grab a fist full of cash by selling her supposed baby’s photo. No wonder she’s been hiding out. This just proves that she really can’t trust even her inner group!

Fake North West #1

Kim Kardashian Baby Pics Released Are Bogus - North West Fake PhotosKim Kardashian Baby Pics Released Are Bogus - North West Fake Photos
Are you anxious to see the real first photos of baby Nori? Do you think they’ll pop up on line or has Kim cut a nice big fat deal with a major publication to run her daughter’s first photo shoot?  How long do you think it’ll be before Kim pops up on a coffee run or something normal? After all the constant drama over her weight I kind of figure she’s purposely laying low until she can debut a significant weight loss. I suspect we’ll see Kim looking thin more than we’ll see her cuddling with her new bundle of joy.

As for that fake photo, who do you think tried to sell Kim out? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Fake North West #2

Cate Meighan:
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