Kim Kardashian Posts New Pics Of Herself While Crying About Paparazzi – Hypocrite?

One of the best stories to come out yesterday was the one involving the Kim Kardashian twitter/paparazzi rant. In it she basically freaked out about being hounded while pregnant. To refresh she wrote: “I wouldn’t let the paps get a pic of me today & they threatened my life & said if I continue to block shots then they will make my world dangerous to live in! How dare they threaten my life & my unborn child! This has gotten way out of control!…. Let me enjoy this last month of pregnancy please without threats & being scared to leave my home due to what dangerous thing they just threatened to do to me. I get I live a public life… [but] I’m 32 yrs old now, about to be a mom. I’m not 25 clubbing around LA anymore. There’s no excuse for threats & stalking!”


Did you picture Kris Jenner weeping in the background while Khloe typed the words for Kim? You know Kim couldn’t do it herself, right? Oh but I want to feel for her here! I understand that she wants to go out without being screamed but I also don’t really understand. You know who managed to get a mastectomy without anyone knowing? Angelina Jolie. You know who manages to go shopping without paparazzi knowing? Kate Middleton. Are you trying to tell me that Kim Kardashian is more important in the celebrity world than either of those two ladies? How can they manage it and she can’t? Oh right, because she LOVES the attention and her mom is probably letting them know where she is at every second of every day. Why else would she throw that tantrum while simultaneously posting new pics of herself on instagram? In two of the photos she pimped out a necklace she was wearing and most likely got paid to do it. In the third pic she just had to repost an old pic of herself looking skinny at a Kanye West concert. Was she trying to remind us she was once skinny or that she once dated Kanye West? Either way, kinda pathetic.

So is Kim a hypocrite? Was her bitching warranted? It seems she doesn’t mind her pics being out there as long as she’s getting paid for it….

Photo Credit: VM/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES/Kim Kardashian Instagram




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