Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Spending Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars On Gold Plated Toilets?

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Spending Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars On Gold Plated Toilets?

A new report from the Sun states that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have spent nearly $765,000 on gold plated toilets. The report goes on to state that Kim and Kanye are renovating their Bel Air mansion to be fitted with special edition beds, a Swarovski-encrusted refrigerator, and other ridiculously expensive additions.

Even though Gossip Cop has already jumped in with a denial, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true. It is Kim Kardashian and Kanye West we’re talking about here, two of the tackiest people you’ll meet in Hollywood. I wouldn’t even think the gold plated toilets are the worst of their expenditures, if the Swarovski encrusted refrigerator is true. All these additions might be the reason that the house is taking so long to get ready, since Kim and Kanye had initially wanted to move out of the Kardashian household immediately after the baby was born.

Honestly, if I had the kind of money Kim and Kanye had, I would try to give that to charity instead of spending it on ridiculous things like bejeweled refrigerators and gold plated toilets. But Kim and Kanye probably want to feel like millionaires even while shitting. Their prerogative.

What do you guys think about this story? Do you think gold plated toilets are the kind of items that Kim and Kanye would want to have in their house? And do you believe that they’re filling their house with such tacky furnishing additions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Spending Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars On Gold Plated Toilets?

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