Kim Kardashian: Kanye West Will Never Change Me, I Want To Live An Open Life!

It looks like Kim Kardashian grew some balls along with those boobs and finally admitted that she actually LOVES being in the spotlight 24/7 and it’s become a touchy subject between her and baby daddy, Kanye West. Kim Kardashian sat down and gave a somewhat revealing interview about how her life has changed since her eggo got preggo and even I’m a little surprised by her candor.

“I’m definitely more of a recluse since I was pregnant. But I haven’t necessarily decided to hold myself back, it’s just preparing myself for respecting the privacy of my child and my boyfriend,” she said in the Fabulous magazine interview. “We live different lives, but I love being open. That’s who I’ve always been. That will never change because that is who I am.”

This is almost laughable though, right? She thinks she’s being a recluse right now. I wake up every morning to new paparazzi pics of Kim. It’s something I’ve come to expect. Other stars leave their houses every day too and someone manage not to get papped. Kim chooses it and somehow she thinks she’s Howard Hughes all of a sudden. If that doesn’t let you in on how her head works I don’t know what will.

But the Kanye comments are interesting, no? She’s basically saying, “This is who I am and I ain’t changing.” Now, I think Kim would change if people like Beyonce or Anna Wintour took her more seriously and allowed her access to their world. But that’s clearly not happening so she might have finally realized that whoring out her personal life and being the face of reality TV and crappy Kardashian products might be her only way to play. It’s lucrative as all hell so why not? Realizing who you are versus who you want to be is one of the most important and challenging things in life. Should we give Kim credit for figuring it out or do you sense there’s a whole lot of Try still coming?

What do you make of the Kim Kardashian/Fabulous magazine interview? Is she giving up being Kanye’s little perfect wifey and sticking to who she is or is this just talk? I always get the feeling if Kanye told her to jump she’d hold her boobs down right away and ask “how high?”.


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