Honey Boo Boo And Family Mock Kim Kardashian and Kardashian-Jenner Clan For Halloween (PHOTO)

Honey Boo Boo And Family Mock Kim Kardashian and Kardashian-Jenner Clan For Halloween (PHOTO)Honey Boo Boo And Family Mock Kim Kardashian and Kardashian-Jenner Clan For Halloween (PHOTO)

What’s worse, Honey Boo Boo and her family or the Kardashians? Right now, it’s Honey Boo Boo: 1 – Kardashians: 0. Alana Thompson [a.k.a Honey Boo Boo] and her family very convincingly dressed up as the Kardashians for Halloween, in a nice shot against the ridiculousness of Kardashian outfits.

Honey Boo Boo was Kris Jenner, and an impeccable imitation, I must add. She got everything down, from the outfit and sunglasses right down to the haughty expression. Sugar Bear was Bruce Jenner, with the weird pink shirt and sweatshirt draped over his neck. Pumpkin was Scott Disick, and while this was the hardest one to guess, the outfit was a dead giveaway. Wearing a USA red tank top, blue shorts, and a track sweatshirt on top, it wasn’t hard to discern that it was Scott Disick. Anna and Jessica played Kourtney [Kardashian] and Khloe [Kardashian], complete with Jessica carrying her young son as Mason Disick. And of course, we have the final contestant – drum roll, please….. Mama June as Kim Kardashian! Burnnnnn.

It says something when the heftiest person in the family is dressed up as Kim Kardashian. And we have to say, the resemblance is uncanny. The hands on the hips, the too small dress, the fur overcoat, everything was spot on.

You know, when Honey Boo Boo first became popular, I was very dismissive of the show. Although I still refuse to watch it, the Thompsons have displayed an uncanny sense of humor about themselves, and it’s very clear that they understand how ridiculous this business is. They make no excuses for their behavior, and they have admitted that all the money they’re earning is going to Alana’s college fund and to help their family with bills. And now, with this perfect Kardashian barb, I can’t help but feel that they’re going to win over a lot more people.

Siyana Riley:
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