Kim Kardashian Releases NEW TEASER VIDEO: Sexy After Baby North West?

After several weeks of being shut in at home with her new baby, Kim Kardashian’s starting to get the media itch again. For a famewhore who’s spent her entire life courting the media, it was probably incredibly difficult for her not to call the paparazzi and stay out of the spotlight for the past month. But hey, she wanted to get her body in shape for her post-baby return to being the center of attention.

Her first step in getting back in the public eye has been to post a small video on Keek. She sticks out her tongue and then smiles at the camera. And that’s it. Is she trying to make us want more? The only thing that video did was to make me cringe away in horror at how much makeup she had on.

That brings me to another point – who wears that much makeup when they’re making a video that’s seconds long? Never mind, I forgot I was talking about Kim Kardashian.

Anyway, this video’s already been widely circulated across the web, so I guess she achieved her goal. Her next step will probably be making an attention stealing stop at a red carpet somewhere, probably at Kanye West’s performance at the VMA Awards. This video was just the beginning you guys. Soon, you won’t be able to escape the endless stories of how Kim achieved her post-baby body [cough, tummy tuck, cough], and how North West is just the most adorablest baby in the whole wide world. Kim will never stop, and she will go on a rampage to make up for an entire month of no famewhoring or media coverage.

What do you guys think of the video? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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