Kim Kardashian Already Giving Up On Weight Loss Diet? Trainer Reveals She’s Over It

Uh-oh, do we have another Jessica Simpson on our hands? True, Kim Kardashian didn’t pocket $4 million to lose any weight but there was enough talk about the distaste of her growing waistline to indicate hitting the treadmill hours after delivery wouldn’t be the farthest thing from her mind. But celebrity trainer, Tracy Anderson says she’s talked to the new mom and she isn’t stressing the weight loss. Kim Kardashian is in full-blown “baby heaven.”

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“From our talks during her pregnancy, I thought she was going to be really concerned (about her weight) once the baby was out, but she’s not,” Anderson told Us Weekly. “It’s a tough time, and a lot of women feel like it’s a huge mountain to climb to get back. But Kim, surprisingly, has had the total opposite reaction (than) other moms. She’s like, ‘We’re going to be so good. It’s fun, I feel great!’ She just loves the whole process. She’s in baby heaven.”

Hmmmm. Quite the 180, yes? Let’s not be cynical biotches for one second though. Good for Kim. If we are to believe the stories, she’s just had a tough, emotional delivery. She’s got a newborn preemie at home and she’s breastfeeding around the clock. She’s tired and she’s happy. Let’s let her go. Besides, women aren’t really back in any shape to be working out until 4-6 weeks post-delivery anyway. So she has time to relax.

I’m actually surprised Anderson didn’t say that to begin with. It would have been the responsible thing to mention as a post-natal trainer. You can do some damage if you hop back into a vigorous workout routine without giving your body time to repair itself. But basically Tracy only reports that she was all too willing to get full-on into it if Kim was. And it sounds like she’s not. And why should she? It’s not like she’s making appearances every other day like she was before the baby was due. That probably had a lot to do with her anxiety. It seems like mama Kris is giving Kim some months off of work to relax. The breastfeeding will take off some of the pounds during that time and then Tracy can get her hands on her for those crazy workouts. Kim Kardashian’s not dealing with a C-section like Jessica Simpson so it shouldn’t be too difficult to get back in the swing on things.

I have no doubt Kim will lose the weight rather quickly. It’s her job to be pretty – no more, no less. Jessica Simpson has her empire and her jobless baby daddy to keep happy. Kim has Kanye West. It’s apples and oranges.


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