Kim Kardashian’s Emergency Cosmetic Surgery Tummy Tuck Including Liposuction Before Appearing In Public With Baby North West

Kim Kardashian’s Emergency Cosmetic Surgery Tummy Tuck Including Liposuction Before Appearing In Public With Baby North WestKim Kardashian’s Emergency Cosmetic Surgery Tummy Tuck Including Liposuction Before Appearing In Public With Baby North West

Kim Kardashian just had her first baby, and of course, the first thing on her mind is how she’ll lose weight to look good for all of her post-baby public appearances. Reports are coming in about how Kim is planning on having a tummy tuck including liposuction after giving birth to her baby girl. You know, because she can’t possibly be seen in public with all of her pregnancy weight like a normal person. This despite the fact that before her birth, she was spotted almost triple her normal size.

But see, this is different – now, she has to prepare for all of her public appearances and interviews to famewhore her daughter with the ridiculous name, North West! I’m not really sure how this is going to work, considering that Kim can’t stand not being the center of attention, and her daughter is bound to get more attention than her. Maybe she thinks that by getting a tummy tuck and losing all of her pregnancy weight quickly, she’ll manage to deflect the attention back towards her.

Whatever it is, don’t expect to see the same Kim Kardashian you saw weeks ago. She’s already reportedly refused to breastfeed her baby because she feels like her body’s been ‘through enough’ after the grueling birth. Um, really?! This woman and her sense of entitlement, I can’t even….

Anyway, what do you guys think of Kim’s decision to get a tummy tuck? Do you support it? Or do you think she’s being ridiculous? I mean, she’s Kim Kardashian so of course she’s being ridiculous, but I can’t help but feel as though her family is playing a huge part in this. I also wonder what Kanye’s thoughts on all of this are.

Let us know what you think in the comments.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

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