Kim Zolciak NOT Smoking – Cares About Baby and No Longer Smokes While Pregnant?

Kim Zolciak Doesn't Care About Baby, Continues To Smoke While PregnantKim Zolciak Doesn't Care About Baby, Continues To Smoke While Pregnant

Former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kim Zolciak has proved that she cannot be trusted while she’s pregnant. After coming under fire for smoking while pregnant a couple of years ago, she refused to learn her lesson and has been caught ONCE AGAIN smoking while pregnant.

Kim recently revealed her pregnancy earlier this week, and her baby bump was very clearly visible in the pictures of her smoking. Of course, the first time it happened in 2010, she claimed that she didn’t know she was pregnant. This time, she has no such excuse because she herself announced her pregnancy. So obviously, she knew she was pregnant and she decided to smoke anyway. This is the level of care that she has for her child.

And people wonder why these reality stars are such trash. Yes, not all of them are so reckless and careless when it comes to their children. But we’ve proven in the past couple of years that quite a few of them would rather put their own enjoyment and fun above the health of their children.

For those who don’t know, extensive research shows that smoking while pregnant carries a lot of danger for the unborn child, including a possible miscarriage, possible infant death, low birth weight, premature birth, and other life-threatening side effects. But what does Kim know, right? She probably doesn’t even read up on the risks if she’s willing to so blatantly smoke while she’s pregnant – especially in PUBLIC.

What do you guys think of Kim Zolciak smoking while pregnant? And you know that just because she’s been photographed this one time, it doesn’t mean that it’s the only time she’s done it. In fact, she probably does it all the time, considering that she’s already been caught before as well. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

UPDATE!  TMZ reports:

Kim Zolciak isn’t trying to smoke out her fetus — and instead claims the shots of her puffing a cigarette while pregnant were NOT shot yesterday … TMZ has learned. Kim is claiming the shots of her smoking were taken quite some time ago … though she doesn’t remember exactly when. We’re told Kim says she was actually photographed yesterday by the agency (above) — while wearing black sweat pants — but not smoking.

So there you have the current state of affairs – Kim claims she isn’t smoking anymore – do you believe her?

Photo Credit: Diane Cohen/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES

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