Kourtney and Kim Take Miami RECAP 3/13/13: Season 3 Episode 7

Tonight on E! after a two week hiatus KOURTNEY AND KIM TAKES MIAMI returns with a whole new episode called, “We’ll Always Have Paris.”  On tonight’s show Kim attempts to fix Simon and Jonathan’s friendship. Kourtney tries to reignite her and Scott’s relationship but goes unnoticed.   Did you watch the last episode?  We did and we recapped it for you!

On last week’s show Kim, Kourtney and Scott worry when they had not heard from Rob. Could his lack of luck with the ladies have him down?  Scott comments Rob never wants to do anything and then his words of wisdom, “Rob does not need a girl, he has to care about himself.”  Such a rocket scientist, who would go to Scott for girl advice.  The trio finally decided that Rob is in a rut and needed to get out.

On tonight’s show Kourtney hopes a trip to Paris would put the spark back in her relationship with Scott, who seems oblivious to her attempt to get romantic.  Is Kourtney in jeopardy of losing Scott?  According to Kim she might be. At the same time, Kim tries to batch up things between Simon and Jonathon, but the results are less than successful.

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of E!’s Kourtney and Kim Take Miami Season 3 episode 7— tonight at 9PM EST!  While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the new episode of KKTM tonight and check out the sneak peek video below of tonight’s episode below!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

Kim is driving in her car. She is on the phone and tells the caller that she prefers L.A. She is told about a guy possibly getting a woman pregnant. Kim says that she is genuinely happy in her life.
Kim is next seen with her BFF Jonathan. She wants to set him up through a dating website. He doesn’t know why she is in her business but she just wants her friend to be happy. She finds a website and starts filling out the questions.

Scott tells Kim that he is going to Las Vegas but that Kourtney isn’t. Scott says that Kourtney never wants to do anything. He feels neglected. Kim feels that he may try to find affection somewhere else. Scott has tried to talk to Kourtney but there are only so many times when you can have the same conversation.

Kourtney asks Kim if she knows where Scott is. She wanted to have lunch with him. Kim tells Kourtney that he feels that she only cares about the kids. Kourtney says they are her first priority. Kim says that Scott will cheat on her and it will be her fault if she doesn’t put in any effort and will end up alone. Kourtney says those words freak her out.

Kim and Jonathan discuss his falling out with Simon. Jonathan calls Simon and it doesn’t go too well. Kim says she felt bad.

Kourtney goes boat shopping with Scott because she doesn’t want to neglect; doesn’t want him to feel like the only time he has fun is when he’s not with her. However, Scott doesn’t really want Kourtney to come along.

Simon calls Kim and says they’re not speaking. Jonathan has been taking a back seat and letting Simon take on most of the work. Kim says that she would be frustrated too. Kim says that they will work it out and she will make that her mission.

Kourtney is having therapy with Erica via her computer. Kourtney says she has noticed changes in Scott. Kourntey doesn’t really want him going to nightclubs where there is a lot of temptation. Kourtney really does care about her relationship with Scott and wants to do something major to show that he is not her last priority in life.

Kim goes to visit with Kourtney and the kids. She talks about the conflict between Jonathan and Simon. Kourntey thinks Kim should stay out of it because it’s none of her business.

Simon flies down to Miami. He says he has been tweeting that he is in Miami but Jonathan hasn’t said anything. Simon says he hates Jonathan and doesn’t want to talk to him but Kim wants to play therapist.

Kourtney tells Kim that she has planned a trip to Paris after hearing what Kim said about Scott. She wants to show him how important he is to her.

Kim tries to strong arm Simon into having dinner with Jonathan. Jonathan comes over and is startled to see Simon. Jonathan takes a cheap shot at Simon. Simon doesn’t think they need to discuss their issues in front of everyone. Kourtney feels uncomfortable that she and Scott have to listen to all of this. Simon says he has a business and has to share it with Jonathan but Jonathan says he put in the work for 10 years. Scott thinks the two guys are about to get into a huge fight and he’s just waiting for it all to explode. Simon says he just wants to be friends with Jonathan and not business partners. Jonathan thanks Kim for butting in and leaves. Simon is upset and near tears. Kourtney says that if this doesn’t make Kim stop butting into other people’s business, she doesn’t know what will. Kim tries to call Jonathan but it goes straight to voicemail. Simon feels as though he has been blindsided. Scott says their friendship is gone but Kim thinks it will all work out.

Kourtney and Scott discuss the issues between Simon and Jonathan, both agreeing that Kim needs to mind her own business. Scott wishes he had popcorn. Kourtney says that even though it wasn’t the most romantic subject but it was nice to just lay in bed and discuss Kim being nosy. Kourntey pitches the idea of her and Scott going to Paris. Scott is taken off guard. He wishes she’d be more like this all the time and hopes she stays in the place she’s in. Scott says they should go but he wants to invite their friends. Scott says they’ll have time together but it would be nice to have other people. Kourtney says it hurts her feelings that he doesn’t want to go with just her.

Kourtney, Scott and the kids arrive in Paris after a long flight. Kourtney feels like there’s no better place in the world to bring back the romance. Kourtney wants them to have a romantic dinner but he wants to go to the clubs. Chris, Nicole and Charlie (Scott and Kourtney’s friends) show up at their hotel suite. Kourtney wasn’t planning on this being a group trip but she will embrace it. The group takes a ride on a carousel. Kourtney says Scott is damper and cold, putting a damper on the night.

In Miami, Kim tries to give Jonathan a hug but he’s still mad at her for interfering. Jonathan says she should not have gotten involved in his business and livelihood. Jonathan says that his issues shouldn’t have been brought up in front of Kourtney and Scott and now his friendship with Simon is ruined. Kim says she’s sorry for getting involved. Kim says she was wrong to interfere but only because she cared. She says she will stay out of it. Jonathan wants Kim to give him a hug because he literally hated her last night.

In Paris, Kourtney wants to write their names on a padlock and throw the keys into a river for good luck. Kourtney is hurt that Scott didn’t show up at the bridge and didn’t take her seriously. She tosses the lock in the river with Mason instead.

Kim and Jonathan have lunch. Jonathan gets a call from his lawyer. Kim stops herself from butting in and says she held herself back.

In Paris, Scott strolls into the hotel suite. Kourtney wants to know where he’s been and calls him out for not being on the bridge. She starts to cry and heads into the bedroom. Kourtney says he just doesn’t get it. Kourtney says she’s been trying to give him attention but he hasn’t noticed and isn’t putting in any effort. Scott says he didn’t know she was trying to do romantic things. Scott feels like he was an idiot and apologizes. They exchange ‘I Love You’s’. Scott knows he has some making up to do but has planned a romantic riverboat ride. Scott says he’s very lucky to have Kourtney and the kids in his life. Scott surprises Kourtney by taking her to the bridge where she wanted to go. She and Mason find their lock. Kourtney and Scott then throw their key in the river and kiss.

The End!

Stephanie Guerilus:
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