Kris Jenner To Blame For Ruining Kim Kardashian’s Life With Sex Tape Says Robert Kardashian’s Widow

According to the arch-nemesis of the Kardashian family, Ellen Kardashian, Kim Kardashian would not have had a sex tape if her father had still been alive. While explaining why, Ellen also has a few snarky jibes at Kris Jenner.

Ellen spoke to In Touch and when asked if the Kardashians’ lives would have been different if their father was still alive, Ellen replied, “Majorly different. For starters, the sex tape would have never happened. He would’ve never allowed that. They are successful now, but I think they would have been successful in a different way – not in Hollywood and definitely without Kris Jenner’s involvement. My husband was very disappointed in the end. He wished he could have stayed on this earth longer, because he knew exactly what was going to happen the second he was gone.”

Is that wishful thinking on Ellen’s part? Robert Kardashian was definitely a smart and well-to-do man, and he seemed to be a good influence on his kids. There’s no doubt that if he was still alive, he probably would have prevented the sex tape and also prevented Kris from manipulating her childrens’ lives into the famewhore empire they’ve now become. However, I definitely don’t know if they would have been ‘successful’ had they not gone this route. None of the Kardashians come off as particularly intelligent – but they may be playing up their idiocy in order to bring in more ratings.

Ellen also adds that Kris wanted to marry someone famous, and that’s why she cheated on Robert and divorced him. She explains, “She always wanted someone famous, but Robert wasn’t famous. He was an entertainment attorney and this guy Kris was seeing (Todd Waterman) was a soccer player. Robert told me she was always obsessed with athletes. But he told me about wanting to try and make it work because he was so crazy about his kids. He just did not want to be separated from them.”

You know, as much as I make fun of the Kardashians, I do feel bad for them when it comes to their father. He clearly loved them and wanted the best for them, and I don’t think anyone could have guessed the extent to which Kris would go to finally get her fame and fortune. It’s too late for any of them now, but there’s a high chance that they would have gone a different route had their father been alive. Would they have been successful? Eh, I’m not so sure about that.

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