Kris Jenner Threatens Kim Kardashian Like A True Pimp – Releases Cell Phone Number!

Kris Jenner is a lot of things, but loving mother isn’t one of them. Sure, she may have a healthy business appreciation for her offspring, but the infamous momager follows a simple rule: business before pleasure. She’s created a family that is dependent on her business advice, and now that the monster is loose, she’s starting to have second thoughts! Will Kris overhaul and try to undo the branding and exploiting of her children? Probably not. But she’ll give interviews about it!

I feel guilty all the time because I can’t be everywhere at once,” Kris told Us Weekly, print edition March 4, 2013. “I feel like I want to be there for everybody, whoever needs me. I just worry about them all.” Of course, her worry list would be a lot shorter if she didn’t leak her daughter’s sex tape, shooting the family to tabloid fame. The hypocrite mom claims to be struggling balancing the mom side and the manager side, but we think she’s just trying to get sympathy!

Kris describes a turning point in her life, when she realized exactly how her family needs to be treated. “One moment I’m talking to Khloe [Kardashian] as her mom. Suddenly, she’ll turn around and say . . . ‘I’m your client and you didn’t do this.’ I get scolded or, you know, they’re not happy about something and I have to fix it.” Wouldn’t it be endlessly easier to drop them as clients and hire a team of professionals? But Kris will never let them go, especially since she “gets 10 percent of their deals.”

Her daughters have looked into firing her, and she knows how to manipulate them back in line. After Kim Kardashian threatened to pull the plug, Kris “got payback by leaving a voice mail greeting with Kim’s cell number.” Flooded with business calls, Kim admitted that she needed professional help. But why does that have to be Kris? The mom dragon claims to understand that “although these are my daughters, they are also clients and they need respect.”

The bottom line in all of this is money. Otherwise, Kris would have no reservations about transferring the power to a professional and settling back into a normal mom and grandmother role. I don’t understand how she justifies her job to herself—most moms don’t pressure their kids into Playboy shoots or intrusive TV shows. But Kris claims that “everyone was excited” when they rose to fame, and she’s got them the best gift a mom can give. Do you follow Kris’ logic, or do you read it as a pathetic attempt by a woman who is dead inside?

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