What business exactly is Kris Jenner in? Best I can tell her first and foremost position is that of momager. She is a cut throat publicist – working only for her family and the Kardashian brand in general. Her whole entire existence is spent figuring out how to pimp out each and every family member– and those closest to them- in order to line her pocket. The older kids seem to see her for what she is but they can’t complain too much because she has made them all millionaires.
In recent months we’ve seen Kris really turn her attention towards Kendall and Kylie Jenner, her two teens with Bruce Jenner. Perhaps Kris realizes that her older girls are a bit harder to control not that they are married, having babies and simply growing up. Kendall and Kylie however are a whole different story.
Kris has secured the girls modeling gigs, product endorsements and even a clothing line. In other words there is zero chance of them enjoying even a half typical teenage life. In Touch magazine speaks to a source close to the girls that fears that Kris is “working them to the bone,forcing them to be the breakout stars.” I tend to agree that she’s definitely the machine behind them that is propelling them into a Hollywood lifestyle that is way too much, way too soon. Both Kendall and Kylie are extremely spoiled and pampered, at least that’s the opinion I get whenever I see their Instagram pics posted. Kris has led them into this lifestyle and it’ll be a miracle if they reach adulthood without being caught up in some of the typical Hollywood vices.
Do you think Kris simply looks at these girls as a great way to continue making money? Is there any hint of mothering there at all? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!
Image Credit: In Touch