Lamar Odom Addicted: Khloe Kardashian Learns Shocking News From His Father, Joe Odom

You know how Khloe Kardashian has repeatedly denied that there are any problems (other than infertility) in her marriage to Lamar Odom? You know how she has shot down every rumor in recent weeks and has happily insisted that everything is just fabulous? Well it’s just not true. While the Kardashian brick wall of rumor repellent has been held high, Lamar’s father is telling another story that we tend to think is likely the truth.

Joe Odom is no stranger to addiction issues as he spent much of his life fighting his own demons, including heroin addiction. Now clean for fifteen years he still knows a problem when he sees it and according to Life & Style Magazine both Joe and Khloe are super worried about Lamar’s partying. The L.A. Clipper star has been seen club hopping across the country with lots of women but never Khloe in recent months. Says a source close to the situation,

“he thinks if she gets Lamar to give up the drinking and the clubs, he’ll go back to being the cuddly Lamar who liked to stay home and watch movies with her. She wants him to see an outpatient expert just to talk things through. Khloe’s very concerned about him in general.”

Finally, something that sounds a whole lot more honest. Khloe is dealing with a husband that appears to be spiraling out of control and that is creating a huge problem in their marriage! Do you think that she’ll be able to convince Lamar to get some help once his basketball season wraps up?  Does he recognize the problem and what is he drinking to avoid? Is life connected to the Kardashian clan just way too much to handle? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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