Lamar Odom Clean and Sober For 5 Days: Talks Rehab, NBA, and Divorcing Khloe Kardashian

Lamar Odom Clean and Sober For 5 Days: Talks Rehab, NBA, and Divorcing Khloe Kardashian Lamar Odom Clean and Sober For 5 Days: Talks Rehab, NBA, and Divorcing Khloe Kardashian

Apparently Lamar Odom is a big fan of self healing and he totally believes that he can cure himself of anything- even a raging crack addiction and all of the whores that accompany it! Khloe Kardashian’s wayward husband is now claiming to be sober for five days and that he has every intention of pulling himself out of the bottom of the snake pit that he has spent the last few months in. According to TMZ Lamar has no problem enlisting professional help and in an outpatient private setting he claims he might consider it, eventually.

But for now Lamar is just cutting out negative influences and white knuckling it on his own. He did turn up at the home he once shared with Khloe looking like a featherweight. It’s very clear that Lamar has been on an extended crack binge and guess what- it was NOT his wife’s pleas that caused him to consider getting clean! Nope. Basketball training camp has started and Lamar realizes that it’s crunch time. If he doesn’t clean himself up fast then there’s no hope for his career. As it is right now he is a free agent with absolutely no prospects as long as he remains a hot mess.

Do you think that Lamar can self-heal his love of drugs? He claims to have done it before but isn’t the real problem ultimately that it never lasts? Eventually Lamar always goes back to the drugs. Isn’t it going to take a professional to get to all of the underlying stuff that causes him to use in the first place? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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