Los Angeles Lakers Offer Lamar Odom Rehab and a Job Contract!

Los Angeles Lakers Offer Lamar Odom Rehab and a Job Contract!Los Angeles Lakers Offer Lamar Odom Rehab and a Job Contract!

After days of watching Lamar Odom become the target of a tactical smear campaign likely set into motion by momager of the century, Kris Jenner, the NBA star has finally been thrown a lifeline. Jeff Schwartz, Lamar’s manager has confirmed that the Lakers have offered Lamar a position in their lineup if he hightails it to rehab now. Let’s not forget that Lamar is a two-time championship Laker so he does have a history of delivering for the team and if he agrees to this deal then everyone wins. How so?

Well, Lamar gets a new lease on life in an organization that believes in him and it looks like the Laker’s enforce a drug-free zone which makes them look better on paper. Is Lamar a total crack head? That’s pretty doubtful- I mean we have never heard a rumble of this until last week. Why didn’t his side dishes mention it when they decided to drive the scandal bus right over him? Does Lamar have a prescription drug problem? That’s more likely the case. It’s easy to conceal and rumor has it that Lamar is ready to cop to that anyway.

It seems like he is being handed an opportunity to smooth some things out including his marriage to Khloe Kardashian. As we told you yesterday, mutual anger at Kris seems to have at least put the couple on the same page so let’s see where they go from here. Do you think she’s the one that planted the crackhead rumors in the media? Perhaps it was to make sure there was worse Kardashian news to divert attention from her flop of a talk show! When Kris had to call in every favor and have family members on the show every day to fill the couch space she must have known it was going to get the ax, right? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Cate Meighan:
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