Lamar Odom Met With NBA Drug Counselors Cliff Robinson and Dirk Minniefield BEFORE DUI Arrest

Lamar Odom Met With NBA Drug Counselors Before DUI ArrestLamar Odom Met With NBA Drug Counselors Before DUI Arrest

Did Lamar Odom meet with drug counselors from the NBA before his DUI on Friday morning? According to reports, Lamar was supposedly trying to make tentative steps towards dealing with his [supposedly very serious] drug addiction when he met with former NBA professionals Cliff Robinson and Dirk Minniefield.

Apparently, both Cliff and Dirk also used to suffer from drug addictions and now work with players struggling with addiction as part of the National Basketball Players Association. However, whatever they said clearly didn’t have any effect on Lamar since he was arrested for drunk driving mere hours later. He refused a chemical test, which means there were probably also drugs in his body along with the alcohol.

At this rate, Lamar is going to forcibly end up in rehab, in the hospital, or dead if he doesn’t get his shit together. I don’t blame Khloe Kardashian for giving him an ultimatum, but if his love for his wife nor his love for basketball is enough to make him give up the drugs, what will be good enough? It’s a difficult situation to deal with for anyone, and made more difficult by the fact that the entire media seems to be watching his every move.

In the end, it has to be Lamar’s decision to man up and take control of his life. People close to him and even drug counselors can only do so much if Lamar’s not even willing to listen, and based on the DUI and the refusal of the chemical test, he’s clearly not ready to listen. Let’s just hope that he changes his mind before it’s too late.

What do you guys think? Could the drug counselors have had any effect? And do you think that Lamar will go to rehab? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Siyana Riley:
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