LeAnn Rimes is A Demon, Brandi Glanville A Saint – The Winner Is Really The Loser!

Okay, it is official Brandi Glanville needs to be declared a saint. A bit much? Probably. I mean Brandi would be the first to admit Mother Teresa she is not, but SHE DOES deserve some kind of medal, or a standing ovation, or at the very least a round of drinks for not just dealing with Psycho Sally LeAnn Rimes’ stalking and taunting her daily since 2009, but for going out of her way to be kind to LeAnn and to ask others to do the same.

While LeAnn has been busy on twitter calling Brandi a witch and horrible person, Brandi – who along with her sons are the REAL VICIMS of LeAnn’s ruthless behavior – has chosen the high road and has not responded to LeAnn’s desperate attempts to get her attention. In the past two days Brandi broke her silence and has made referenced to LeAnn, but kept it very positive. I hope your taking notes LeAnn.

When one twitter user asked Brandi to follow them, saying that they hated LeAnn too, Brandi replied, “I don’t hate anyone! Kids love her so we have to play nice :) …
The kindness and generosity Brandi showed with this tweet did not go unnoticed and she was quickly commended for it:

If you know anything about what Brandi has endured at the hands of LeAnn and Eddie (who is just as much to blame for allowing his new wife to be so cruel to his ex-wife and mother of his children), you realize that tweets like this prove that she truly is a class act.

Brandi is in a much happier place since her split with Eddie Cibrian, but it was quite a struggle at first, emotionally and otherwise. Brandi has spoken out about how debilitating the pain of her divorce was. A pain, I assume was made worse because her divorce was very public, and the other woman involved, LeAnn was intent on rubbing her face in it (and still is). Yes, LeAnn was very proud of buying getting Eddie – you know because he is such a prize. But LeAnn took everything to a whole new level when she married Eddie and assumed the role of stepmom. She quickly began exploiting Brandi’s children to the media and even famously called them, “my boys,” which is very Lifetime movie crazy if you ask me. Any woman with even half a brain knows that you DO NOT call another woman’s child your own. A good stepmom knows their boundaries and respects their stepchildren’s mother – LeAnn has failed on both accounts.

Brandi also struggled financially following her divorce. She went from housewife to single mom, and it is safe to assume that an out of work actor like Eddie provided little financial support. She has since found success not just as one of the stars of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but as a legit New York Times Best Selling author which is quite an accomplishment. She has a second book coming out – a follow-up to her first – titled Drinking and Dating: PS Social Media Is Ruining Romance which is currently available for pre-order, but will be officially released on February 11, 2014. She also just announced that her newest project she has undertaken is a podcast – Brandi Glanville Unfiltered –which premieres the week of November 5th.

Basically Brandi is doing well both personally and professionally, and just wants peace and a cease fire from LeAnn as well as from all the hate. She started her Saturday by tweeting this:

Since 2009, when we first learned that LeAnn and Eddie were cheating, LeAnn – who is a narcissist of the highest order and judges a person’s worth by their celebrity – made herself the mouthpiece for all the parties involved in this mess. To this day if Brandi or LeAnn’s ex-husband Dean Sheremet dare speak about LeAnn and Eddie’s affair and the aftermath, LeAnn gets angry and attacks them; but has done nothing but talk, tweet, and sing about it obsessively. As the mouthpiece she has succeeded in destroying her public image and her singing career, because quite frankly her truth that she shoves down our throats sucks. Hey LeAnn I am talking to you – we do know your truth – we just don’t like it. Got it? Good. Gawd girl you are exhausting.

In the last two days when Brandi became the mouthpiece for the first time in 4 years there finally seemed to be a lightness and hope in all this madness, so I think LeAnn should let Brandi -who is now the bigger star, they even have the same number of twitter followers and Brandi didn’t have to (alledgedly) buy hers – be the official mouthpiece. Maybe Brandi can help LeAnn move on, find some true happiness, and salvage some of the damage she has done to her brand. Probaby not, but it is worth a try.

Like it or not Brandi has become an inspiration for many woman out there who have faced situations similar to hers. She is also inspiring to those of us who may not have shared her experience, but have empathy for her and can clearly see that she has had to deal with A LOT, and has managed to not just overcome it all but is now thriving. In fact I am starting to see why LeAnn is so damn obsessed with morphing into Brandi – she rocks!

And on a related note, LeAnn took a break from bashing Brandi to blame Goggle for the fact that she is a total wannabe idiot who failed at trying to act cool when she revealed she actually has no idea what a Hemi is (even I know what a Hemi is and how to properly spell it and I am like so not into cars). Oh an FYI even autocorrect knows what a Hemi is so opps can’t blame it on that either. But again I digress so here it is:

‘The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills’ And ‘Vanderpump Rules’ premiere party at Boulevard3 on October 23

Photo Credit: FameFlynet and Twitter

Julie Zelko:
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