Leyla Ghobadi is all over the internet after the news broke that Kanye West had cheated on Kim Kardashian with her. So what do we know about Leyla? Well, she’s a Canadian model and a ‘VIP’ bartender and waitress.
The details of Leyla’s encounter with Kanye are all over the internet – about how she met Kanye in 2012 and he invited her to have sex, how she refused the first night and then accepted the next night, and how they also had sex when it was first announced that Kim was pregnant.
Ok, does this really surprise anybody? I mean, Kanye barely spends time with Kim as it is. Why is it so hard to believe that he would be cheating on her during any of the numerous occasions that he wasn’t with Kim?
Anyway, from everything we know of Leyla, it’s also pretty clear that she’s a massive famewhore. According to report, Leyla lives a pretty luxurious lifestyle [probably with money from *cough* services *cough], and she travels often. Leyla also set up a Twitter account after the reports of her homewrecking Kimye went public, of course she also closed it down shortly afterwards due to the lambasting she got. I mean, famewhore’s kind of an understatement in this case.
Leyla has been bombarded by tweets since the announcement, which I’m sure she expected. She has already apologized to Kim via the Internet, and when asked why she didn’t get in touch with Kim personally, Leyla claims that it’s because Kim’s not easy to get in touch with. Bitch, please. She’s the easiest person to get a hold of, she’s a Kardashian. Just ask any one of the paparazzi who have her number on speed dial.
She also says that the reason she doesn’t have proof of her nights with Kanye is because she didn’t want to take pictures of herself f***ing Kanye, and she doesn’t want to post proof through her phone because she doesn’t want the public to have Kanye’s number. Not her number, but Kanye’s number. Can you say famewhore again? Unbelievable.
So there you have it, folks. Leyla Ghobadi, the woman who claims to have gotten Kanye to cheat on Kim. Let’s see how this plays out, but for what it’s worth, Kim’s team and Kanye’s have already denied it [LOL].
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