Lil Wayne Tramples American Flag While Recording Music Video – Sizzurp Fueled Rage or Publicity Stunt? (Video)

Lil Wayne Tramples American Flag While Recording Music Video - Sizzurp Fueled Rage or Publicity Stunt (Video)

Lil Wayne was shooting a music video in New Orleans over the weekend, and someone managed to capture footage of him trampling all over the American flag while pulling a stunt for the video.

According to reports, Wayne was rapping lyrics of his new song and after the American flag floats to the ground, Wayne starts stepping on the flag, all the while continuing to sing the song. Of course, the lyrics of his song go along with his actions, with, “My country ’tis of thee / Sweet land of kill ’em all and let ’em die / God bless Amerika / This ole’ godless Amerika.”

Is Lil Wayne trying to make a point about everything that’s been going on over the past few days? The US and President Obama are under fire right now over the Patriot act and the surveillance scandal, plus lots more, but the lyrics don’t really seem to match up.

Either way, both ‘trampling’ a US flag and burning the US flag are protected forms of the first amendment, and you can’t get in trouble for exercising your right to free speech. While certain ‘codes’ determine that burning or damaging the flag is illegal, the US Supreme court has ruled that it is a protected form of free speech.

In this case, there is little chance of Wayne getting in ‘official’ trouble, although his actions will draw ire from the majority of the public.  In fact polls are showing that 4 out of 5 respondents find Lil Wayne’s trampling of the flag unforgivable.

What do you guys think? Should Wayne have trampled the flag in public, and should he get backlash for it? While it’s not an illegal offense, it is ‘frowned upon’ by certain segments of the public.  Lil Wayne is no stranger to controversy, so this could also just all be a publicity stunt. Of course it could also be Lil Wayne on a sizzurp fueled rampage! Let us know what you think in the comments.

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