Mariah Carey Fired From American Idol – Nick Cannon Strongly Suggests!

Mariah Carey Fired From American Idol - Nick Cannon Strongly Suggests!Mariah Carey Fired From American Idol - Nick Cannon Strongly Suggests!

There have been plenty of rumors about how Mariah Carey will be getting the sack from American Idol, to be replaced by none other than Jennifer Lopez.

Now, Mariah’s husband Nick Cannon recently spoke to Life & Style about the rampant speculation, and he said, “These rumors come from anywhere! My wife is the biggest superstar in the world.”

But then, he says in the past tense, “I know she had a wonderful time on Idol.” There’s no reason for him to put that in the past tense unless he knows her days on the show are numbered. It looks like Nick Cannon may have given us our answer after all.

And for those of you who insist that Mariah’s not getting replaced, have you heard Fox’s denials? They are so weak that I don’t even know why the network is bothering with denying the rumors in the first place.

Besides, Nick pretty much cinches the matter when he says, “To me, it sounds like it’s Idol’s loss.” If that’s not a confirmation of Mariah’s impending exit, I don’t know what is.

Look, this could very easily descend into a Mariah Carey vs. Jennifer Lopez debate, but real issue is that the producers of Idol are desperately trying to cling to a dying show. American Idol is no longer the powerhouse it was several years ago, and there are a lot more shows that it’s competing with now. Mariah’s actually better off without the show, and she’ll be able to focus a lot more on her other endeavors. As Nick Cannon says, “I know my wife is so focused on her real career of being a singer and her new album that is coming out, which is incredible.”

Let us know what you think in the comments, and are you happy or sad that Mariah might be getting replaced on Idol?

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