Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon: Disneyland Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremony – Stupid and Tacky?

You know, Mariah Carey has got to be one of the most hilarious celebrities out there. Everything she does and says is pure comedic gold, and she doesn’t even realize it.  Well, the video from Mariah and Nick Cannon’s vow renewal ceremony has released, and it takes hilarity to new heights.

First of all, it was held at Disneyland. Yes, this is two grown adults having their marriage vow renewal ceremony at Disneyland. Who does Mimi think she is, anyway – Ryan Gosling? But wait, it gets better.

First of all, she arrives at the event in a crystal carriage drawn by horses. Just like Cinderella! Who says Mariah lacks imagination?! Nick Cannon, of course, is dressed as none other than Prince Charming. Then, there are actual trumpets! The whole thing is like a Disney fairytale come to life. Which would be completely fine, except for the fact that it involves two grown up ‘adults’. I put adults in quotations because I don’t know if someone who dresses up as Cinderella and goes to their vow renewal ceremony in a carriage can be classified as an adult.

And then, during the interview, Mariah’s face and demeanor is absolutely priceless. You could actually see her smile frozen on her face as she turns and turns to try to find her best angle.

Despite all this ridiculousness in excess, you just can’t get mad at Mariah Carey. It’s like getting mad at someone who’s too dumb to know any better. Everything has to be about her and only her – but really, she provides us with so much laughter that we should keep encouraging her to pull stunts like this. I mean, I will repeat it – she got her vow renewal ceremony in Disneyland. With horse-drawn carriages. Wearing Cinderella’s dress. Come on!

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