Meet Nick Mucci: The Bachelorette 2013 Desiree Hartsock Contestant Bio (Photo)

Nick Mucci is a current contestant on The Bachelorette 2013, which kicked off last night and was full of drama and plenty of nonsense. Desiree Hartsock, who was rejected by her true love (or so she thought), Sean Lowe, on last season of The Bachelor will try her hardest to lock a man-love in place. Who will she choose, you wonder? Who knows? All the more reason for you to get to know Desiree’s potentials!

Meet Nick Mucci, 27, Rochester, NY:

Bio courtesy of ABC:

What does being married mean to you?
It’s finding the one person you just can’t live without. Your best friend and love all in one.

Who do you admire most in the world and why?
My father. He came up from a poor family and lost his dad when he was 5. Now he is a CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring with you and why?
Water, steaks and my cell phone. Water and steak to survive. My cell phone to get help when I ran out of those.

What are your deal-breakers when it comes to relationships?
Communication is really important to me. I’ve had a few relationships where I felt like I couldn’t be myself around them. That’s the biggest deal-breaker. You should never judge one another and be able to tell each other your feelings at all times.

What do you hope to get out of participating in this television show?
I want an opportunity to find love. It’s nice to know the Bachelorette is looking for love too. So many times you find someone but realize you aren’t looking for the same thing.

If you could do/have any job in the world, what would it be and why?
I would probably be a sports broadcaster. My job would be to analyze football games and I’d have the best seat in the house.

What do you think about Nick M? Is he the perfect guy and Mr. Right for our Ms. Desiree? To meet other contestants and get your full Bachelorette scoopage, head on over to our Bachelorette section by clicking here.

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