Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Divorce Certain: Michael Blames Catherine For Infecting Him With HPV Tongue Cancer!

Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Divorce Certain: Michael Blames Catherine For Infecting Him With HPV Tongue Cancer!Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Divorce Certain: Michael Blames Catherine For Infecting Him With HPV Tongue Cancer!

I think one of the most obvious signs that a marriage is truly over is when the couple stops protecting each other from public scrutiny. Most of us instinctively protect those that we love and all of the hidden truths come tumbling out once the love fades. In keeping with that thinking, Michael Douglas sure has felt the need to tell the truth in the last few months, hasn’t he? First he admitted that his battle with throat cancer was the direct result of coming into contact with a strain of HPV during oral sex, presumably with Catherine Zeta-Jones – and on the UK’s This Morning, Michael decided to give up even more information.

The throat cancer was actually tongue cancer. His tumor was located at the base of his tongue – a spot that is very receptive to chemo and that has a strong recovery rate. If he didn’t get lucky and needed surgery then Michael would have been looking at having part of his tongue and jaw removed. It has been made pretty obvious that the HPV likely came from his now estranged wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones and she has not been at all happy with Michael’s need to disclose intimate details.

Michael admitting that it was actually tongue cancer, something directly linked to HPV, only further indicates that rather than getting back together these two are moving further apart. Michael’s need to speak the truth to the general public is only sending Catherine further off the deep end, ensuring that a reconciliation is extremely unlikely.

Why do you think Michael is being so honest now? Is it to educate fans about HPV, to clear his own conscience, or to embarrass the hell out of his wife and drive the divorce wedge even deeper? Tell us in the comments below!

Photo Credit: FameFlynet

Cate Meighan:
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