North West’s First Appearance “Worth Two Million Dollars” For Kim Kardashian and Kanye West?

North West's First Appearance "Worth Two Million Dollars" For Kim Kardashian and Kanye West?North West's First Appearance "Worth Two Million Dollars" For Kim Kardashian and Kanye West?

According to a new report from Life & Style, North West‘s first appearance could bring in $2 million dollars in revenue. That’s just depressing when you think about the fact that she’s not even two months old, and yet she could be making more than doctors and teachers and most actors!

The report also discusses all the ways in which North could be used for media exposure and moneymaking opportunities, with a source explaining, “North will almost definitely be on Keeping Up With the Kardashians eventually. Nori will likely start at a low salary, $2,000 per episode. That will increase if the show is still on the air once she can walk and talk.”

A source adds, “Nori’s first mommy-daughter public appearance is worth approximately $2 million. If Kim [Kardashian] and Kanye [West] collaborated on a baby clothing line, it could bring in upwards of $5 million a year. Kim could land a cool $1 million advance on a mommy tome.”

This is ridiculous, right? It’s not just me. I totally believe this report, but the fact that a baby could be making this much money is completely ridiculous. Ostensibly, what has this child ever done? It’s not like she’s going to be the future heir to the throne of England. But still, I could totally imagine her mother milking the publicity for all its worth. Let’s face it, the Kardashians won’t remain relevant forever – or at least, I really, really hope not. When the next big reality whore family replaces them in the public’s consciousness, then we can all say goodbye to the Kardashians. So I while I think it’s sickening to want to exploit a baby this way, I can totally see Kim and her family doing it.

What do you guys think about North ‘Nori’ West’s future earning potential? Do you think she should be left alone and out of the public eye, or do you think Kim should take advantage of the situation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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